One of the particularities of Bodegas Roda has been to use old vines with a wide genetic variability which we see as being in danger of disappearing if we do not act in time.
For all of these reasons, we set up an ambitious project in 1998 which was to enable us to recover a sufficient number of morfotypes of the cv. Tempranillo and ensure, in the future, the continuation of our type of wines and bring to the scientific community a great seedbank of our fundamental grape variety.
This project enabled us to select 550 different bio-types of Tempranillo in its natural habitat, thus beginning the creation of a seedbank for grafting on to 12,000 plants. In another area, work is being carried out in the viticultural and wine-making field to achieve a greater concentration of polyphenols in our wines.

The massive use of clonal material of the Tempranillo grape variety since the 1990s has caused an incalculable loss of ancient bio-types of the Tempranillo variety. Each old vine that is pulled up carries away with it precious genetic information which will never be recovered.